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  • Added : February 10, 2020
  • Words : 2384
  • Views : 1175 views

Mae’s Fantasy Journal: Page 52

By Dr. J, Performed by Ruby Rousson

We turned onto a private drive, in a swanky subdivision, manicured with typical Florida plants. We discovered what looked like a small hotel. A friend of Darren’s suggested this as an option for our first event. There were ten bedrooms, and we put our reservation in for one for the night. Darren had coded us as the couple looking for the third, a man to fuck me.

When Darren parked the car, it all became real.

As he opened the car door, the breeze in the air tonight warmed me. Darren’s hand secured me to him like a tether. I dressed to show every curve I had, to make him proud. I’d be the best Hotwife around.

“Are you nervous, Mae?”

“I don’t think so? Why?”

“You have a death-grip on my hand.” I stopped walking and looked at him. “Well, maybe a little.”

He cupped my face. “You can change your mind. You’re in charge. Who you want or don’t? No choice changes about how I feel about you.”

Would he feel the same way knowing I had fantasized about this but couldn’t tell him? All the details were outlined in my journal for me to relive over and over. I was so turned on; I thought I’d pop.

“And you are beautiful.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

I had tried on five dresses this afternoon with five different lingerie sets. My mind conjured up toys, fingers, hands, mouths, and cocks. I was hotter than I’d ever been.

“We make a great team, Darren. I’m staying positive.”

We rang the doorbell and a petite woman answered. “I’m Lorie, the hostess for tonight. Your names, please.”

Darren winked at me. “Boris and Natasha.” I tried not to laugh.

She consulted her list. “First time Hotwife experience, yes?”

We looked at each other. “Yes, it is,” I said.

Lorie explained the process. Men with a rose in their lapel were available. She handed me a mauve carnation. “For a first-time dream fantasy. You may share it with the person you select or not.” She gave us our room key and pointed to the living room where we would mingle and make our selection. Once we had decided, we were to tell her and then head to our room. Within fifteen minutes our guest would arrive.

“How does that sound?”

“Acceptable,” said Darren.

“We have condoms, lube, and the boxed toys you requested in your room. Please let me know if you need anything else.”

We thanked Lorie and as I clutched the carnation, I entered the living room with my husband.

Instead of couches, tall standing tables dotted the large space and a waiter came by to take our drink order.

“How are you feeling, Mae?”

I glanced around the room and fiddled with my flower. “Like when we’re at your office party, but this one comes with a bonus gift for me. You?”

“Pride. Absolute pride. This will be wonderful. But I’m getting a gift, too.”

Many men stopped and chatted. It was polite and interesting but no one clicked.

“Hello. I’m Lorenzo. Welcome to your first-time event.”

He had kind eyes and when he flexed his forearms, I nearly came. Lorenzo was the one. It was an instant connection.

I nodded as Darren stuck out his hand and they shook. “I’m Boris and this is Natasha.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“And you,” I said, feeling my nipples stiffen. I offered my hand, and he looked to Darren who nodded. When he touched my skin, it sealed the deal. This was the man I wanted. I turned to Darren and smiled.

We talked about our interests, and travel and then Lorenzo excused himself.

“You want him, Mae?”

“I do, Darren.”

“Then let’s tell Lorie.”

After we shared our news, we went up to our room.

Our space was reminiscent of a traditional master bedroom suite. I loved the quaint seating area. And true to Lorie’s word, everything we requested was there.

I placed my flower in a vase and slipped off my shoes to feel a little more relaxed.

“Are we still a go, Mae?”

I closed my eyes and considered my fantasy. I thought of Lorenzo’s arms and his fingers. How would the rest of him look? I couldn’t wait to find out.

“Yes, we are, baby.”

A knock on the door interrupted us.

“Here we go, then.” Darren opened the door and the man I’d chose for my fantasy walked inside.

“I’ll be right back while you two chat.”

I had no clue about the protocol, but I needed a minute to myself. I wanted to take stock of my strength and desire to be pleasured and provide pleasure to Darren. We were doing this for us.

When I returned, Darren and Lorenzo were on the couch chatting.

I sat in the chair across from them. “I can’t do this.”

Darren straightened up. I held up my hand. “Lorenzo, my name is Mae. I need to be real for this to work.”

Both men beamed. “I had just told Lorenzo my name, too. We are so in sync.”

“Everyone’s process is different. I’m delighted to be with you Mae. As I said to Darren, your comfort is my main aim, as is providing you pleasure. How shall we begin?”

“I think Mae, should take off her panties and show you how beautiful she is.”

Lorenzo gazed down my body as I stood on my bare feet and reached underneath and slid my panties down my legs. “Let me have them,” said Darren. “And pull your chair closer to the couch. I want to play with your toes.”

“What is your favorite toy?” asked Lorenzo.

I moved the chair and sat across from them. “I love a wand, but of late I’ve been enjoying a vibrator in my ass.”

“Mae is so sensitive. She comes so hard from everything. I think she’s a reincarnated sex goddess, maybe Aphrodite herself.”

“Oh, please, Darren. You are over the top now.”

“Place your feet on the couch, babe.” I scooted forward and put one beside each man’s thigh. When Lorenzo picked up my foot and massaged it and then kissed each toe, I nearly incinerated. He sucked each of them in his mouth and his tongue wiggling between my toes may as well have been on my pussy for the reaction I was feeling.

“She is sensitive, Darren.”

My husband picked up the other foot. “Spread your legs, Mae.”

The instant I did, Lorenzo’s arm flexed and all I could smell was me. Sexy, musky, juicy me. Two sets of eyes looking. Oh, my. My heart rate soared. As they were taking me in, I swear the room moved.

“Babe, I wanted it slow, but damn, you are so hot. I want you and Lorenzo to get on with it.”

I shook my head. “I’d like to watch you undress, Lorenzo.”

“My pleasure, Mae.” He placed my other foot in Darren’s hands. Darren squeezed both of them. As Lorenzo disrobed, his shirttail came out of his pants, and I focused on the bulge in his trousers. This would be so good. By the time his clothes were off, and I saw his hard body, and erect cock, I was shaking. The intensity of each of them toward me was otherworldly.

“Lorenzo, please, taste my wife.” I pulled my legs up in the chair and dropped my knees out to the side. Darren was grinning. Lorenzo dropped to his knees. His hands caressed my thighs as he slid closer to my sex. He peppered kisses along the way and I wanted to levitate off the chair.

“Can you see, Darren?”

“Oh, yes, Lorenzo. My wife is drenched. Tell me how you like her?”

With his forefinger, he traced down my folds. I was almost uncontrollably shaking. When his digit eased inside, I caught my breath.

“Mae is hot, Darren.” He added a finger and slid in and out of me, teasing my clit with his thumb.

“You are driving her crazy, Lorenzo. Wait until your tongue touches her.”

Lorenzo leaned in and added his tongue to the mix and I bucked his face. My fingers dug into the chair. He sucked harder and wiggled his fingers on just the right spot inside. I moaned with a sound I’d never made before and gritted my teeth to keep my scream in as I orgasmed.

Darren bolted out of his chair to me to see. He unfastened his pants and dropped them to the floor.

“Lorenzo, she loves it. Let’s give her more up on the bed, on her hands and knees.”

“I’d like to undress her first.”

“Sure, do it.”

Steady hands leaned me forward and unzipped my dress and pulled it over my head. Lorenzo sucked my nipples through the silk of my bra and nipped me. He unclasped the front and pinched each nipple.

“I want to get the supplies, Darren. Will you carry Mae to the bed?”

Familiar arms scooped me up. “Are you good, Mae?”

“So good, Darren! You?”

“He ate you out like a pro and I was rock hard. I bet he’ll fuck like a jackrabbit. I hope so.”

Darren placed me on the bed and a naked Lorenzo sat beside me. His hard cock mesmerized me. Soon I’d get to feel it. “Mae, I will attach nipple clamps before you get on all fours.”

Oh, my God. Darren must have read my journal. I looked up at him and he blew me a kiss. He moved the chair beside the bed.

“Hmm. Okay.”

Lorenzo cupped my breast and licked my nipples grazing me with his teeth before he pinched the clamp closed. I was there breathing hard. He worked quickly for the second one. “Because of the weight, these will pull when you turn over. Do you like that?

“We’ll see.” I hoped so. Lorenzo held out his hand for me to stand while I glimpsed Darren stroking his cock in the chair.

“Would you like to touch me, Mae?” asked Lorenzo.

The burn of the clamps spurred me on. “Yes.”

With my fingertips, I explored his chest, then his abs, moving to his pubes and his balls. His cock twitched as I moved along. I pressed my finger across his perineum before I glided up his cock and traced around his head.

“It’s all for you, Mae. Do you want to know plans or be surprised?”

He thumped the clip and it bit me again, oh so good.

“Tell me, tell me.”

“Darren will be in charge of the vibrator on your clit. I’m in charge of your ass. Vibrator and then me.” He took my hand and placed it on his cock and rubbed it up and down. I licked my lips. The throbbing was happening deep in my pelvis.

“Yes, Mae?”

I continued stroking his cock. “Oh, yes.”

“Sound good, Darren?

“Yes.” He was breathy. Just hearing Lorenzo’s words had Darren coming. My man was in ecstasy.

“Let’s get you on the bed.” I turned and focused on the intensity of my tits. As requested, I climbed on all fours. Gravity, as my friend, milked me for more sensation. Lorenzo licked and sucked my slit. I couldn’t see Darren, but his groans filled the room. Lorenzo dripped some lube on my asshole. After a moment, I recognized the latex of a dental dam across my skin. The hottest tongue was now moving in my crack and pressing into my hole.

The bed jostled and Darren moved beside me. “This is so good, Mae. He is fucking your ass with his tongue. I have never been this turned on.”

I could barely speak. “Me either.”

Lorenzo’s tongue was exquisite, and I never expected it would be this good. He slowed down and removed the dental dam. I heard new humming from two places as they added more wetness to my ass. I dropped my forehead to the bed, an anchor to steady me. A moment of appreciation.

“We will make you feel good, Mae. Lean into it,” said Lorenzo.

Just as the vibration began around my asshole, it also started on my clit. I turned to Darren. He was nearly salivating watching Lorenzo. Lorenzo inserted the tip of the vibrator in my ass and I rocked between the two of them. Lorenzo lead the show and Darren soaked up all the sensations he wanted. Never had I felt like this. Full. Open. Wet. Horny. Better than my fantasy. More, I wanted more.

“Fuck me, with that big cock, Lorenzo.” I had surprised myself with those words. He left the vibrator buzzing inside me and I heard the crinkle of the condom wrapper.

“Darren, I want you, too.”

“What? What, Mae?”

“Let me suck you while he pounds me, please.”

“Oh, god yes.”

He scrambled around the bed until my mouth and his cock aligned. I sucked his cock like it was my personal pacifier. My nipples stung and burned. My pussy ached in that good way and my ass was coming alive. Lorenzo’s warm hand pressed against my ass cheek and he steadied himself as he pulled the vibrator out and lined up his cock. Everything felt slick.

“Darren, I’m going to fuck your wife. Are you watching?”

Darren propped up on his elbows to see Lorenzo push into me. His cock only got harder in my mouth as Lorenzo pumped into me. It was insane. I was coming apart at the seams and I just wanted more. I wanted to explode into the universe. I couldn’t be much fuller than I was now.

“Darren, Mae is so fucking hot. I don’t think I’ve had it this good.” His balls slapped my ass as he pumped harder. As my orgasm started, I hummed on Darren’s dick and he pulled out of my mouth and shot his load all over my face.

“I’m getting close, Mae. Oh, so close,” said Lorenzo. The weight of his body and the piston motion had me cresting.

“I’m coming,” I yelled. Darren reached underneath me and pulled off the clamps. I screamed in ecstasy. My body fell forward on my husband’s legs, and Lorenzo pumped until his contraction turned into pulses and he slowed to a stop.

The room smelled like a sex party. I wiggled a little, and the men began to move. Darren wiped my face with a wet cloth and Lorenzo lifted off me and massaged my legs, ass, and back.

I floated.

I was nowhere. I was everywhere.

When I woke up, the room had been tidied and Darren had me tucked under his arm in the bed.

“Mae, you are not a hotwife.”

“What? I followed my feelings and considered what you wanted. I—”

He put his finger to my lips. “You are the hottest wife.” I smiled as he kissed my head.

“You want to do it again, Darren?”

“Only if you do?”

“Well, maybe I’ll select the next page in my journal.”

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