Shag Story

Penetrative and erotic stories between men and women that are sure to get you gushing. These hot straight sex stories will have you begging for more.

5 Score

The final story in this series about Tony and Simone. This time she is at home with her parents and he is alone and bored on New Year’s Eve. Fortunately, he isn’t the only one…

Tony looked at his watch, then his phone, then his watch again. It was better than scanning the room for anyone he knew when he knew there was no one. He knew a few names, but everyone here was underage. It’s one thing to choose a low-key New Year’s Eve party to avoid the popular crowd, but when your friends don’t show it’s a whole new level of awkward. Tony looked up and winced. It was a quarter to midnight and the alcohol had drained the life out of the party. The music was loud and everyone was either half...
4 Score

Tony has been sleeping with Simone, his Dad’s girlfriend, every chance they get. With Christmas a few days away she has promised him a special treat…(The 5th story about Tony and Simone, following on from ‘Intense’)

Tony stomped his way through the cold night air. He had somewhere to be, he really wanted to get there, but he couldn’t summon up a run. He just put one foot in front of the other as quickly as he could, eating the journey up in a thousand bites. It had been the most frustrating week of his life, and he wouldn’t have thought about it if it wasn’t the only other thing that would keep his mind off how much the wind was freezing his balls. As soon as he thought of his balls he thought of the...
5 Score

Middle-aged wealthy man gets more than he bargained for when he hooks up with a former porn actress.

Norman had made the reservation at Nobu at Celeste’s specific request even though he had grown tired of its fusion food. It just didn’t excite him anymore. In fact, little excited him now days, not even his latest addition to his supercar collection; the coveted McLaren F1. He had booked Celeste for a whole night after having watched a couple of her movies on the net and even subscribing to her OF page. He just had to meet this tall, young, blonde woman with radiant blue eyes, legs that seemed to go on and on, and teardrop shaped breasts. When...
3 Score

Orion, the legendary hunter of Ancient Greece, has fallen back to Earth from the constellation he was transformed into centuries ago. He searches for somewhere to live and to hunt, and for a new woman to make love to.

I returned to the lake where I had crash-landed from the constellation in outer space that bears my name. Plummeting millions of miles through clouds and ice. Fighting for air. Trillions of particles penetrated my flesh, like stings from the scorpion I fled from centuries ago. Falling… falling through space. Four hundred and fifty light years. In seconds. Falling to… Planet Earth… where I was born… The atmosphere burned my skin. I screamed. I plunged down. The blue-green-brown paradise I was expelled from hurtled towards me. Impact. I hit water. A gigantic fountain erupted skyward as I plunged deep, deep....
5 Score

Christine works a lot, but spends one of her days off doing things she normally didn’t do, like sleeping with her neighbors, and her boss at work for a free lunch.

I lived by myself when I was 19 in a one-bedroom apartment. It wasn’t a bad place, either, which is why I was determined to live there. I made just enough money serving that I could afford it by myself. I picked up every shift I could, often working open to close four or five days a week. The boss man had no problem paying us servers, especially us girls, overtime, because of how little we made on the hour. I had purchased a newer car a year before, and was paying on it as well, but my young, perfect...
3 Score

Right after I became legal my boyfriend at the time helped me to discover female ejaculation. I’ll always remember him fondly for that.

I had many firsts, sexually, early in life, so I can’t really speak about those, but the first time I ever squirted was right after I turned 18. I started dating a guy, we’ll call him Chad, when I was 17 and he was 20. I wasn’t a virgin by that point, but for some reason my relationship with Chad wasn’t one with sex in it. We did almost everything else there is to do sexually and knew how to get each other off in the best possible ways. It was a relationship based off of orgasms. Just no sex....
3 Score

The first time they touched was in high school, and she couldn’t stop thinking about it. But now he was engaged.. would that stop them? This true tale is bad, in a good way.

This description might be slightly different from what really happened - it was a wild situation and parts of it are a blur. But I’ll do my best to tell you every detail. I had graduated from high school, then college, and I still wanted him. The first time we touched each other was in high school. We were traveling to a Jewish youth group convention. I sat next to him on the dimly lit bus that evening and our thighs and shoulders brushed. We inched closer and closer until my leg was draped over his. I couldn’t believe how...
3 Score

When roguish pirate Rowan attempts to commandeer a sleek spaceship, he encounters a runaway princess onboard who refuses to let him take command of her ship unless he takes command of her.

“Any more of that and I’ll have to cut you off.” The barkeep’s ragged voice shook Rowan from his thoughts. He’d downed his fifth—or was it is sixth?—mug of fiery grog in less than two hours. It hadn’t been enough; he still felt sorry for himself. He reached into his vest pocket and dragged out his last mark; worrying about paying back his remaining debts would have to wait. The bill was damp and pathetic, and it stuck to the bar’s surface. “Keep the rest.” Before the barkeep could answer, Rowan slid off the barstool and stepped out onto the...
5 Score

When journalist Abi gets fired for fucking a guy in her office, she is hired by smutty magazine SIPPS to write her story down. Her nymphomania grows as she learns that SIPPS wants a real-life replay with a cast of new characters.

I’d assumed SIPPS magazine was about wine, juice and spirits, expected to see paintings of bottled beverages and bowls of fruit decorating the reception area… Instead, the white walls were hung with black-and-white prints of naked couples shagging, not what you’d expect to find behind the wooden doors of a house posing as an office. Feeling nervous, I could have done with a sip of something – preferably vodka. Maybe more than just a sip… A woman approached as I hovered by a couple of black leather sofas. “Abi?” she asked. “Yes, that’s me.”. “Hello. I’m Naomi. Thanks for coming...
3 Score

Things get hot and heavy between artist Ryan and model Sienna in Ryan’s studio. Sienna would soon find out that Ryan was a submissive, and she was ready to take control.

Captivated? No. Besotted? No. Entranced. That’s how Ryan would describe Sienna, the posing model in his cramped art studio. The only sound was the scratch of graphite and charcoal along the canvas, smudging and blending over the curve of her rounded, full hips and ample breasts, to fully capture their softness. Life drawing had always been Ryan’s passion, but Sienna had made it a privilege. She stood poised against the green curtain Ryan had dug out from the store cupboards to use as a backdrop. Arms up, elbows bent, hands flat as if waiting for something to be placed in...
5 Score

Simone has been teaching her boyfriend’s son, Tony, how to be a good lover. She can’t get enough of Tony’s cock. But when her friend, Sarah, sends out suspicious vibes, Simone gets tense.

**Continuation from Alex's stories In Experience, Incognito, and In Training** - Simone threw herself into the car. She was soaked to the skin from the sudden downpour that had arrived just as she had left work. Simone’s ride home tonight, Sarah, was talking on the phone as she started the engine and turned the heating on. Simone waited patiently while Sarah quietly argued with someone. Sarah’s life was complicated. She often took these calls before driving just in case things got heated or she had to suddenly be somewhere else. Simone remembered this sort of gentle argument many years ago when her...
3 Score

He was big, hairy, and full of lust. She never thought she’d finally get the chance with a werewolf…

She'd invited someone new to dinner this week, someone you weren't even remotely familiar with. She worked with him, just like the other friends she brought along, but you hadn't seen him when you went to visit her at work. She'd teased that he was your type, and you scoffed and told her that your type was werewolves and for her to stop messing with you. And now here you are, at the table, trying not to stare at the elegant man in the black button down shirt, matching vest, and gold tie. His skin was a dark amber and...
3 Score

Sasha and her friends enjoy a weekend in the sun, but the first night at the resort rapidly turns wild and hot!

“Sasha, come on!” I took one last look in the mirror. It would have to do. My hair was a mess from the four-hour drive and I was pale as death, but that’s why we’d come to Lanzarote. A long weekend full of sun, beach and alcohol. And sex…maybe. Jana pulled my arm. “Everyone’s already by the pool, hurry!” I grabbed my towel and followed her out of the room. The heat hit me as soon as we stepped out. I loved it—it made a nice change from the grey dreariness of England. I was so ready for a break....
3 Score

Working as volunteers deep in one of Montana’s national parks, Sasha and
Angela one day meet strange visitors who bring them together in lust-filled, unexpected

If you venture deep into Montana's national parks you may come across remote fire towers, their lonesome occupants standing sentinel above the treetops. Volunteers such as Sasha spend their days looking out for the early signs of a forest fire, reporting those wisps of smoke which are the beginnings of a devastating conflagration. Unlike most of these volunteers, Sasha was relatively young. Young enough to realise that he needed to steer his life in a different direction, and still had plenty of time to successfully do so. Something else which distinguished Sasha from his fellow fire lookouts was, when not...
3 Score

With Tina and Sam’s relationship on the fritz, Sam takes Tina to the mysteriously erotic Garlands. However, what she finds at Garlands is her oversexed hot boss and a naughty adventure with strangers!

“When you said we were going to an ancient manor house for the weekend, I packed warm clothes – why didn’t you tell me the dress code is nudity?” I glared at my boyfriend Sam. He didn’t reply, just gripped the steering wheel and stared at the motorway. Stunned by his recent revelation that our break meant staying at some weird nudist place, and not knowing what to think, I looked out of the window trying to read the road signs as we hurtled past them. Where were we? Where were we headed?  Hopefully, there’d be somewhere to stop so...
3 Score

Floyd is taken with Izzy’s confidence and narcissism. This chunky blonde was sexy, funny, and had huge G-sized breasts. What more could he ask for?

Now on their third meet up – not date. She hadn’t allowed him that thus far. – Floyd found himself sitting beside Izzy in a dingy magic–cum-comedy bar. On arriving he had put a false name by way of trying to make her laugh – with the fallback of her German heritage, arriving at the bar as “Hans'' had done the trick enough to produce a snorted giggle from his compatriot. He was keen certainly, and still, only a month or so in, liked this girl but wasn’t sure if she was even allowing him to trust her yet. Izzy...
3 Score

Babygirl likes it rough, and Daddy provides.

She waited all day for this: the chance to submit to her lover and let him do as he pleased with her. When the doorbell rang, she immediately jumped up from the couch and let him in. He led her into her room and shut the door. She was breathless with anticipation. He grabbed her and kissed her, his hands roaming up and down her body. Touching her breasts, her waist, her ass, reaching down to apply pressure between her legs. He slid his hand under her shirt, lightly grazing her breasts before pinching her nipples. He undressed her. She...
3 Score

When Laura finds out Dan is having an affair with his co-star Jenny, she is hurt and takes a job as the prompt to keep on eye on rehearsals. But Greg, the playwright, reminds Laura that all the sexy details are in her control.

When Dan and I got together six months ago, I thought he was The One. But ever since he'd been cast as Robin Hood in the Castaway Players am-dram production, things had changed between us. The play wasn't the usual story about the hooded man and his battles with the Sheriff of Nottingham, nothing to do with robbing the rich and redistributing wealth to the poor, either. No. Greg, the groups’ writer, had produced a sensitive new script centering on Robin's love for Marion. The girl cast as Marion, Jenny, was a petite beauty ten years Dan’s junior with a...
5 Score

Tony wasn’t an expert between the sheets. Luckily, his dad’s girlfriend Simone could teach him how to be…

The oven clock read six-thirty as Tony closed his textbook. He rubbed his eyes and tried to unwind the cramp from his shoulders. The dining table was fine for studying, but he couldn't bear sitting in the rigid chair anymore. He stretched, and packed his things away as a pair of headlights pulled up outside. Simone was home and Tony felt himself become a little lighter. This morning had been the start of their new routine. Tony’s dad had set off early, all revved up to whip the staff in his new coffee shops into shape, leaving Tony alone with...
3 Score

Cassandra’s son had white friends, but none of them were as muscular or sexy as the neighbor, Devon. When she invites him in for some sweet tea, he hits her multiple sweet spots.

Cassandra really tried to ignore the fact that Devon liked to tinker with his car in the hot summer sun every afternoon. She tried to ignore the fact that he never wore a shirt. And she tried to ignore the fact that his muscles begged to be touched and caressed. But she simply couldn’t anymore. He’d been doing this for weeks! She knew he was likely home from college as her own son was but Drake was never home. He was always out doing something or other and besides that, he had a job. But Devon - he obviously had...

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