Shag Story

Are you a fan of the delicate virgin or the inexperienced amateur exploring his/her sexuality for the first time? We’ve got the hottest stories full of schoolgirls and boyhood sweethearts who are ready to tantalize your mind with their supple youth. This soft sugar is enough to send shivers down your spine.

5 Score

The final story in this series about Tony and Simone. This time she is at home with her parents and he is alone and bored on New Year’s Eve. Fortunately, he isn’t the only one…

Tony looked at his watch, then his phone, then his watch again. It was better than scanning the room for anyone he knew when he knew there was no one. He knew a few names, but everyone here was underage. It’s one thing to choose a low-key New Year’s Eve party to avoid the popular crowd, but when your friends don’t show it’s a whole new level of awkward. Tony looked up and winced. It was a quarter to midnight and the alcohol had drained the life out of the party. The music was loud and everyone was either half...
5 Score

She was a young goody-two-shoes until 34-year-old Austin awakens the ragingly horny slut inside of her during a trip to the beach.

In high school, I had a reputation for being a goody two shoes. I got straight A+s, was the leader of several clubs, and got accepted early decision into an Ivy League school. Dating and sex were simply not part of my life. By the time I graduated, I had still not as much as held hands with anyone. So, nobody would have suspected that underneath my nerdy, wholesome exterior was a ragingly horny slut. Nobody, that is, except Austin. I met Austin just before my 18th birthday, during the summer between high school and college, while on a family...
5 Score

Christine works a lot, but spends one of her days off doing things she normally didn’t do, like sleeping with her neighbors, and her boss at work for a free lunch.

I lived by myself when I was 19 in a one-bedroom apartment. It wasn’t a bad place, either, which is why I was determined to live there. I made just enough money serving that I could afford it by myself. I picked up every shift I could, often working open to close four or five days a week. The boss man had no problem paying us servers, especially us girls, overtime, because of how little we made on the hour. I had purchased a newer car a year before, and was paying on it as well, but my young, perfect...
3 Score

Right after I became legal my boyfriend at the time helped me to discover female ejaculation. I’ll always remember him fondly for that.

I had many firsts, sexually, early in life, so I can’t really speak about those, but the first time I ever squirted was right after I turned 18. I started dating a guy, we’ll call him Chad, when I was 17 and he was 20. I wasn’t a virgin by that point, but for some reason my relationship with Chad wasn’t one with sex in it. We did almost everything else there is to do sexually and knew how to get each other off in the best possible ways. It was a relationship based off of orgasms. Just no sex....
3 Score

The first time they touched was in high school, and she couldn’t stop thinking about it. But now he was engaged.. would that stop them? This true tale is bad, in a good way.

This description might be slightly different from what really happened - it was a wild situation and parts of it are a blur. But I’ll do my best to tell you every detail. I had graduated from high school, then college, and I still wanted him. The first time we touched each other was in high school. We were traveling to a Jewish youth group convention. I sat next to him on the dimly lit bus that evening and our thighs and shoulders brushed. We inched closer and closer until my leg was draped over his. I couldn’t believe how...
3 Score

A mod college coed notices a pretty hippie girl arrive at a crowded house party and is instantly taken by her. She fights with herself about the unusual nature of her unexpected desire, but happily, her feelings are reciprocated and the two begin to make out, ditching the party when things start to heat up.

The first time I saw you -- really saw you -- was when you walked into the party that one night long ago. "Born to be Wild" was playing loudly on the stereo and the living room was filled with a huge crowd of partygoers moving and shimmying to the music, their gyrating bodies and chugging arms and legs going every which way through the smokey tinge from the various bongs and joints. I think it was the way you were dressed that really caught my eye: while everyone else had their moddest of Mod things on, with their crisply-ironed...
3 Score

Things get hot and heavy between artist Ryan and model Sienna in Ryan’s studio. Sienna would soon find out that Ryan was a submissive, and she was ready to take control.

Captivated? No. Besotted? No. Entranced. That’s how Ryan would describe Sienna, the posing model in his cramped art studio. The only sound was the scratch of graphite and charcoal along the canvas, smudging and blending over the curve of her rounded, full hips and ample breasts, to fully capture their softness. Life drawing had always been Ryan’s passion, but Sienna had made it a privilege. She stood poised against the green curtain Ryan had dug out from the store cupboards to use as a backdrop. Arms up, elbows bent, hands flat as if waiting for something to be placed in...
5 Score

Simone has been teaching her boyfriend’s son, Tony, how to be a good lover. She can’t get enough of Tony’s cock. But when her friend, Sarah, sends out suspicious vibes, Simone gets tense.

**Continuation from Alex's stories In Experience, Incognito, and In Training** - Simone threw herself into the car. She was soaked to the skin from the sudden downpour that had arrived just as she had left work. Simone’s ride home tonight, Sarah, was talking on the phone as she started the engine and turned the heating on. Simone waited patiently while Sarah quietly argued with someone. Sarah’s life was complicated. She often took these calls before driving just in case things got heated or she had to suddenly be somewhere else. Simone remembered this sort of gentle argument many years ago when her...
3 Score

A young virgin expands her understanding of intimacy and pleasure through her first self-exploration experience…

I start with candles. People say that candles are sexy, especially the scented kind—smell is linked to memory and all. I choose a few small vanilla and cinnamon scented tea lights and place them in little glass containers around the bathroom. I strike the match, and the moment the sole wisp of smoke evaporates into the air, I’m surrounded by smells reminding me of fresh-baked goods at the coffeehouse. And Erin. I picture them in their flour-splattered apron, handing me a perfect scone made especially for me. There’s a wink involved, behind which says a lot without words. This is...
3 Score

Sasha and her friends enjoy a weekend in the sun, but the first night at the resort rapidly turns wild and hot!

“Sasha, come on!” I took one last look in the mirror. It would have to do. My hair was a mess from the four-hour drive and I was pale as death, but that’s why we’d come to Lanzarote. A long weekend full of sun, beach and alcohol. And sex…maybe. Jana pulled my arm. “Everyone’s already by the pool, hurry!” I grabbed my towel and followed her out of the room. The heat hit me as soon as we stepped out. I loved it—it made a nice change from the grey dreariness of England. I was so ready for a break....
5 Score

Tony wasn’t an expert between the sheets. Luckily, his dad’s girlfriend Simone could teach him how to be…

The oven clock read six-thirty as Tony closed his textbook. He rubbed his eyes and tried to unwind the cramp from his shoulders. The dining table was fine for studying, but he couldn't bear sitting in the rigid chair anymore. He stretched, and packed his things away as a pair of headlights pulled up outside. Simone was home and Tony felt himself become a little lighter. This morning had been the start of their new routine. Tony’s dad had set off early, all revved up to whip the staff in his new coffee shops into shape, leaving Tony alone with...
3 Score

The forbidden love of a princess and a servant force them to escape the palace, only to be trapped in a storm with little to warm them up except the touch of their warm bodies.

Taesung’s footprints pad along the palace floor.  We have to be careful. If the guards find him with me, they’ll drag him out into the grounds and flog him, or worse. Despite the guards near my chambers, they relax after midnight, thinking their beloved Princess Mi-sun is fast asleep, so they take their guarding and swords to my doors to the grounds, far from where I rest my head. Fastening the last of my servants’ garments smuggled in by Taesung, I glance down at my hanbok of pink and white silk neatly placed in its box. Finely embroidered blossoms line...
3 Score

Cassandra’s son had white friends, but none of them were as muscular or sexy as the neighbor, Devon. When she invites him in for some sweet tea, he hits her multiple sweet spots.

Cassandra really tried to ignore the fact that Devon liked to tinker with his car in the hot summer sun every afternoon. She tried to ignore the fact that he never wore a shirt. And she tried to ignore the fact that his muscles begged to be touched and caressed. But she simply couldn’t anymore. He’d been doing this for weeks! She knew he was likely home from college as her own son was but Drake was never home. He was always out doing something or other and besides that, he had a job. But Devon - he obviously had...
3 Score

Trying to be completely quiet during kinky sex may prove more difficult than they thought.

They text me when they're outside. They don’t ring the doorbell when they get here this late – they don’t want to wake my roommate. I sneak downstairs to let them in, dressed in a too-big t-shirt and no panties. I want them to grab me and kiss me there: to kiss me forcefully while holding my face in a vice-like grip. I want to see their mouth twitch in a grin when they release me, knowing I’m swooning as I try to catch my breath. The fewer clothes I’m wearing when I go down to let them in, the...
5 Score

Simone is much older than Tony, and his dad’s girlfriend, but his eager cock pleased her in ways that Tony’s dad just couldn’t.

Simone prepared dinner, daydreaming to drown out the monotony of peeling and chopping. Suddenly, there were arms around her and a body pushed up against her from the crack of her ass to the side of her neck, an unshaven face nuzzling her neck. Nuzzles turned to kisses. She tilted her head to enjoy them. Hugging turning to groping; one hand headed downwards as the other worked its way into her gown to cup her breast. She purred and reached up to stroke his hair. She was just guiding his lower hand into her gown towards her panties when he...
3 Score

At 21, Zoe was depressed to be newly divorced and moved into a new spot. That is, until she meets the middle-aged horny couple next door.

I moved into this run-down duplex in the middle of nowhere Mississippi on purpose. What can I say, divorce really brings out the best in one’s life. Waiting for a settlement that would take months to get was not going to stop me from getting the hell out of there. Yep, divorced at 21. Life was really looking up for me. My soon to be ex-wife had destroyed enough of my life, and it was time to move on. This place might have mice and it might not have air conditioning, but it didn’t have her, which was that was...
3 Score

An orange fox meets a sexy redhead on a train, but when the train breaks down, the two sex-crazed animals get it on doggy style!

When he was a puppy, Stan used to love trains. His favorite toys were his model steam engines which he could push along the little wooden tracks. He didn’t love them so much anymore. Ten hours on public transport every weekend will do that to you. Now that he’d moved away from home for his first year in college, his weeks were punctuated by these swathes of monotony. Although he was savvy enough to know that his life wouldn’t turn into a romcom once he turned 18, he’d been hoping for a little more excitement on his Friday nights. Still,...
3 Score

Her neighbor’s bombshell sister is in town, and she can’t help but pleasure herself and spy.

I am fortunate to have retired early in life. Starting my career straight out of high school and acquiring a college education along the way allowed me to take leave of my employer when most people were still looking at another fifteen to twenty years of reporting to the office. With a keen financial mind, I also invested in some stocks and saw quite a bit of success. As a result, by my fiftieth birthday, I had a modest but well appointed house. With no husband or family to speak of, my time was my own. I didn’t fritter away...
5 Score

Everyone talking about how inexperienced 18-year-old Tony is in bed. Can his dad’s girlfriend, Simone, help him out?

11:15 on Sunday morning, and Tony was headed to his dad’s house. It had been a rubbish weekend so far. He needed time to blank it all out. A disastrous Friday night and terrible Saturday then his worst game of football ever, he’d had enough. He went straight through the front door. He was lucky that Simone, his dad’s girlfriend, was in. Tony left his bag, coat, and trainers in the porch, then took a moment to scratch his head and swear at himself for being a neurotic twat. He walked into the hall and heard “Did you forget something,...
3 Score

She was always known as a slut in her town, but now she’ll travel across the world to get it on with 2 guys at once!

In the small English village where I grew up, they call me "libidinous." Over-sexed, lustful, a slut. Ever since I hit fifteen and started kissing and frotting behind the bike sheds with boys from the posh local boarding school, I've had a reputation for having loose morals. It didn't help that my father was, and indeed still is, the local vicar. In fact, for obvious reasons it made matters worse. Rather than the veneer of respectability associated with my father's role as the spiritual guardian of the parish having protected me from vitriolic verbal attacks, it actually made me more...

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