Shag Story

Our erotic gay sex stories are where bears, studs, twinks, otters, wolves, and more get down and dirty. With enough wood to start a bonfire, Shag Story is the destination for the hottest and gayest sex stories. Steamy romps between boy-toys, scruffy mountain men, and everything in between can be found here. So grab the lotion and get to stroking. It’s going to be a wild ride.

5 Score

He looked at me with a hunger that no woman certainly ever had for me. I realized I was still hard, but I was way too sensitive to be touched. He pulled me in for a hard kiss, squeezing me into his body like the strongest hug I’ve ever had.

The wind was bracing, chilling my cheeks. I thought I’d put on enough warm layers for the boat tour, but I found myself shivering on the bow when the guide reminded us that we could go below deck to warm up with tea and cookies. The fjords were gorgeous, but it was too freezing to enjoy them. That seemed like the best option for me. I didn’t have my gloves and kept taking pictures with my phone, so my knuckles were starting to get raw. Really this was just the tip of the iceberg — so far, my trip had...
3 Score

While on tour with his up and coming band, Lance gets interrupted as he’s
decompressing with a vibrator. Lucky for him, Troy is very good at relieving tension.

Lance felt sort of guilty, doing this in Kai’s bed. Kai, the band’s manager was the one who offered, as they had a one-bedroom apartment in the city that the touring band was stopped in for the night. It didn’t feel right, but Lance was so overwhelmed that he took the offer with minimal hesitation. The alternative was to do this on the tour bus, and that carried much too much risk on several levels. Not only was there a lack of privacy, there were crew there who hadn't seen him without his binder and he didn’t want to deal...
3 Score

Trevor and his three lovers decompress after a long day with bukkake and prostate milking.

Normally, Trevor, who was orderly to a fault, objected to such filthy behavior. In fact, part of him was planning on where to scrub first once they were all done--but mostly he was enjoying the foreplay Jay was giving him as his boyfriend Marcel was being tied to one of his own stepstools. Orderliness was an asset in the spaceship that they were on, which was why Trevor held such a high rank under Marcel’s command. Trevor began spending his nights in Marcel’s bed, and then at some point, they both discovered they had feelings for the ship scientist Jay....
3 Score

When Erica and Dean arrive at the jazz club, she turns into their sex pet. Dean is dominant, from blowjobs inside the club to a sexy romp in the parking lot.

I'd gotten there much earlier than we'd planned, I'm anxious like that. I fidgeted in my seat for what seemed an inordinate number of minutes and wondered if I'd been stood up before ordering my second Old Fashioned when Erica walked in with Dean, and boy was I smitten. Like jaw-hit-the-table and tongue-went-lolling-about smitten. She was forever trying to hook me up whenever we weren't together, which was on, off and some other times in-between as well. We indulged each other's fantasies while at the same time managing to not fall in love with each other. If there was ever...
3 Score

Trapped in the fairy world, there’s only one way out, and it’ll take him to heights of sexual pleasure he’s never experienced before.

He’d just gotten out of college for the summer, with one year left to go.. A hefty textbook under one arm, a knapsack over one shoulder. He was surprised, as he walked down the road, to note that there wasn't anyone out and about. Sure, it was morning, but even this early there ought to at least be kids riding around on bicycles. He glanced this way and that, trying to take in the environment around him as he walked, squinting a little in the fiercely bright sun. He thought maybe he could hear distant children's voices and laughter. Maybe...
3 Score

Two lonely men, one open sea, and a lot of time to discover if they’re ready to explore the lust they both feel.

Even though I worked in the hospitality industry at a popular island resort, my life was mundane. To numb me. I tended a noisy pirate bar, listened to crazy stories from the tourists and thought some of them needed real therapy. But mostly, as a man, I minded my own business. I blended into my surroundings like a chameleon. Until I didn’t when he walked in the bar. A hot man, under the radar, had slid onto the bar stool and now perched in front of me. He was stealth-like. Maybe he was used to not being seen and I’d...
3 Score

After weeks of hesitation, shy Greg goes after Jack to make an ex jealous. And damn, it was satisfying.

Day 1: The first time Greg saw him was on Friday the 13th. He'd never been a superstitious person but the moment he laid eyes on him he knew that the legend that the particular day was unlucky could be wholly debunked. Everything about him was bewitching, from the swagger of his walk to the nervous ticks he subtly displayed. It took barely ten minutes until Greg found himself completely under his spell. The lights of the club strobed and spun, trying to pull his gaze away, but he kept it locked, watching as the man flipped a business card...
3 Score

Old Carter meets the younger version of himself and shows him what it feels like for the first time.

Old Carter is at the Pontiac Silverdome in Michigan catching Pink Floyd’s final tour when he decides it’s time to take his own virginity. He’s been saving this experience for a special occasion, but he feels in his bones that now’s the moment. Maybe it’s the music. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s gently stoned. Maybe it’s just being wedged into a space with so many happy people, so many perfect, beautiful people, all bathed in the same sublime noise. Whatever it is, he wants it to happen now. He wants to do it. He can’t stand the thought of...
3 Score

She commands her boyfriend and another man to play with each other. How long can she wait before joining in?

The room is darkly lit, with you sitting on a padded blanket in the middle of the floor.  My partner and I are watching you, as your eyes float back and forth between the two of us.  My partner waits, naked, for my first request. You sit there, relaxed, calm, confident, all the things that make me adore you and your sexy body.  I smile as I take in all the amazing edges that only shadows could produce, and imprint this moment into my mind. The soft light accentuates the shoulders, and straight silhouettes of the back and thighs of...
3 Score

Luther was a sadist who needed to be fed, and Jasper can get him his prey.

It was not automatic, their partnership. It most likely seemed that way, to the erstwhile mortals unfortunate to cross their path, but the two fit ill together. Luther’s need was visceral, animalistic—he lusted, hungered, pined for the lack of blood, of pain, of tearing some fragile creature and ripping until the sound of its heart could both him no more. Luther was, to Jasper’s trained eye, not to blame for his cruelties. He was only as he was made. Jasper, by contrast, needed such things for no reason other than that without them, he felt weak. Purposeless. Human. He laughed...

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