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5 Score

She commands me to put my hands crossed on my back. She holds them in place and forces my head downwards. A finger is pushed inside me without a warning. All the muscles in my body tense up. She draws circles as I relax and then five deep slow torturous finger strokes. I feel the walls of my pussy begging me to crumble in a near explosion. ”Not yet kitten,” It’s not a request, it is a stern command. She says as she inserts the two fingers in my mouth. ”Taste yourself kitten” I doubt I can ignore the throbbing between my legs any longer than I have. I feel weak. I can feel my knees collapsing ”Don’t bend your fucking knees kitten. Keep them straight and don’t let me remind you.” ”Yes mistress”

As I pick my handbag to head to her place, I look at myself in the mirror for one more last time. I was satisfied with how I looked; the least I can say is that it was better than most days. I am your regular tees and jeans kinder girl accessorized with sneakers. Yes sneakers, mercy always made fun of that. ”You should find time in between your busy schedule to be a girl. Damn woman” She would say. If she saw me right now, she will be impressed as fuck but that is just a thought. I still...
3 Score

“I’m ready,” I say to myself, but it’s not really to myself, it’s to them. Within seconds my bed ripples like I’m floating on top of a calm ocean. And then I feel his presence from behind me. I say he and not it because he is in the body of a man, but not exactly.

I must be in the exact level of sleep that they require to visit me.  It can’t be too deep or I’ll lose any memory of them, and I certainly can’t be awake.  They told me if I see them fully awake, I’d be traumatized for life or worse, literally scared to death. So, I sleep deeply, I wake up and pee, I go back to bed, I close my eyes, and wait for the bewitching hour or should I say the demonic hour, usually between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. “I’m ready,” I say to myself, but it’s not...
5 Score

The final story in this series about Tony and Simone. This time she is at home with her parents and he is alone and bored on New Year’s Eve. Fortunately, he isn’t the only one…

Tony looked at his watch, then his phone, then his watch again. It was better than scanning the room for anyone he knew when he knew there was no one. He knew a few names, but everyone here was underage. It’s one thing to choose a low-key New Year’s Eve party to avoid the popular crowd, but when your friends don’t show it’s a whole new level of awkward. Tony looked up and winced. It was a quarter to midnight and the alcohol had drained the life out of the party. The music was loud and everyone was either half...
4 Score

My husband wants an open marriage.

My name is Anne.  My husband James and I have been married for two years.  He travels the world for a major corporation.   We rent a nice side by side two story apartment in an upscale neighborhood.  I work for a large corporation in their computer department.  I have a degree in computer science.  The town we live in is near a big city.  Everything seemed to be going smoothly until James announced he wants an open marriage as he left on another trip.  I was surprised by his announcement but not shocked.  He travels the world meeting beautiful...
4 Score

Tony has been sleeping with Simone, his Dad’s girlfriend, every chance they get. With Christmas a few days away she has promised him a special treat…(The 5th story about Tony and Simone, following on from ‘Intense’)

Tony stomped his way through the cold night air. He had somewhere to be, he really wanted to get there, but he couldn’t summon up a run. He just put one foot in front of the other as quickly as he could, eating the journey up in a thousand bites. It had been the most frustrating week of his life, and he wouldn’t have thought about it if it wasn’t the only other thing that would keep his mind off how much the wind was freezing his balls. As soon as he thought of his balls he thought of the...
5 Score

Justica prowls the streets fighting crime and protecting ordinary people. It is a lonely life, but fate has thrown her together with another mysterious hero…

It was mopping up time. The anthill of villains had been kicked over and Justica had time for a little cool down, stopping bad guys for the police to arrest. The first one never saw her. A simple punch to the jaw knocked him flat. The second pulled up too late. Justica timed her kick to perfection and he flew through the air to land in a crumpled heap. The third tried to run past, but Justica was too swift. She raised her arm into a clothes-line which floored him and it was over. Moments later she watched from a...
5 Score

He looked at me with a hunger that no woman certainly ever had for me. I realized I was still hard, but I was way too sensitive to be touched. He pulled me in for a hard kiss, squeezing me into his body like the strongest hug I’ve ever had.

The wind was bracing, chilling my cheeks. I thought I’d put on enough warm layers for the boat tour, but I found myself shivering on the bow when the guide reminded us that we could go below deck to warm up with tea and cookies. The fjords were gorgeous, but it was too freezing to enjoy them. That seemed like the best option for me. I didn’t have my gloves and kept taking pictures with my phone, so my knuckles were starting to get raw. Really this was just the tip of the iceberg — so far, my trip had...
5 Score

A cool hand rubbed across her exposed buttock bringing goosebumps to Aprana’s skin. Mia tugged the thong and pulled it away from Aprana’s crack. The rough fingertips with well-manicured nails of her Sir parted her labia lips and jostled her clit.

“Not Everyone Experiences and Inner Monologue Study Finds” read a tweet. “Bullshit!” her inner monologue replied. Mia finished the article and stared at the screen. “How do people function without an inner monologue?” she pondered. Were they that dull, that unimaginative, that boring? Or could they be that… present? How do you move through life without that inner voice constantly narrating your day like an episode of The Wonder Years? She longed to shut off her inner voice, if just for a short time. The constant dialogue which had been there for as long as she could remember could get...
5 Score

Middle-aged wealthy man gets more than he bargained for when he hooks up with a former porn actress.

Norman had made the reservation at Nobu at Celeste’s specific request even though he had grown tired of its fusion food. It just didn’t excite him anymore. In fact, little excited him now days, not even his latest addition to his supercar collection; the coveted McLaren F1. He had booked Celeste for a whole night after having watched a couple of her movies on the net and even subscribing to her OF page. He just had to meet this tall, young, blonde woman with radiant blue eyes, legs that seemed to go on and on, and teardrop shaped breasts. When...
5 Score

She was a young goody-two-shoes until 34-year-old Austin awakens the ragingly horny slut inside of her during a trip to the beach.

In high school, I had a reputation for being a goody two shoes. I got straight A+s, was the leader of several clubs, and got accepted early decision into an Ivy League school. Dating and sex were simply not part of my life. By the time I graduated, I had still not as much as held hands with anyone. So, nobody would have suspected that underneath my nerdy, wholesome exterior was a ragingly horny slut. Nobody, that is, except Austin. I met Austin just before my 18th birthday, during the summer between high school and college, while on a family...
3 Score

Orion, the legendary hunter of Ancient Greece, has fallen back to Earth from the constellation he was transformed into centuries ago. He searches for somewhere to live and to hunt, and for a new woman to make love to.

I returned to the lake where I had crash-landed from the constellation in outer space that bears my name. Plummeting millions of miles through clouds and ice. Fighting for air. Trillions of particles penetrated my flesh, like stings from the scorpion I fled from centuries ago. Falling… falling through space. Four hundred and fifty light years. In seconds. Falling to… Planet Earth… where I was born… The atmosphere burned my skin. I screamed. I plunged down. The blue-green-brown paradise I was expelled from hurtled towards me. Impact. I hit water. A gigantic fountain erupted skyward as I plunged deep, deep....
5 Score

Christine works a lot, but spends one of her days off doing things she normally didn’t do, like sleeping with her neighbors, and her boss at work for a free lunch.

I lived by myself when I was 19 in a one-bedroom apartment. It wasn’t a bad place, either, which is why I was determined to live there. I made just enough money serving that I could afford it by myself. I picked up every shift I could, often working open to close four or five days a week. The boss man had no problem paying us servers, especially us girls, overtime, because of how little we made on the hour. I had purchased a newer car a year before, and was paying on it as well, but my young, perfect...
3 Score

Kira, a new hire at Ms. Long’s Saddle Factory, learns more about the company culture by watching another employee test the Sybian under the close supervision of her sexy boss, Ms. Long.

Kira looked at the contract sitting on the conference table between the two of them. Ms. Long looked up from her phone quickly, and then went back to typing emails, her nails clicking efficiently, albeit impatiently. Kira cautiously pulled the agreement to her, eyeing the highlighted portions immediately. “...Employee consents to behavioral corrections performed at the discretion of their immediate supervisor...” “...In signing this contract, employee notes their agreement to a sex-positive work environment in which sexual activity will be used [at explicit concent] to motivate, celebrate, and discourage performance…” Kira took a deep breath, her C-cup breasts rising slowly....
3 Score

Right after I became legal my boyfriend at the time helped me to discover female ejaculation. I’ll always remember him fondly for that.

I had many firsts, sexually, early in life, so I can’t really speak about those, but the first time I ever squirted was right after I turned 18. I started dating a guy, we’ll call him Chad, when I was 17 and he was 20. I wasn’t a virgin by that point, but for some reason my relationship with Chad wasn’t one with sex in it. We did almost everything else there is to do sexually and knew how to get each other off in the best possible ways. It was a relationship based off of orgasms. Just no sex....
3 Score

The first time they touched was in high school, and she couldn’t stop thinking about it. But now he was engaged.. would that stop them? This true tale is bad, in a good way.

This description might be slightly different from what really happened - it was a wild situation and parts of it are a blur. But I’ll do my best to tell you every detail. I had graduated from high school, then college, and I still wanted him. The first time we touched each other was in high school. We were traveling to a Jewish youth group convention. I sat next to him on the dimly lit bus that evening and our thighs and shoulders brushed. We inched closer and closer until my leg was draped over his. I couldn’t believe how...
3 Score

While on tour with his up and coming band, Lance gets interrupted as he’s
decompressing with a vibrator. Lucky for him, Troy is very good at relieving tension.

Lance felt sort of guilty, doing this in Kai’s bed. Kai, the band’s manager was the one who offered, as they had a one-bedroom apartment in the city that the touring band was stopped in for the night. It didn’t feel right, but Lance was so overwhelmed that he took the offer with minimal hesitation. The alternative was to do this on the tour bus, and that carried much too much risk on several levels. Not only was there a lack of privacy, there were crew there who hadn't seen him without his binder and he didn’t want to deal...
3 Score

When roguish pirate Rowan attempts to commandeer a sleek spaceship, he encounters a runaway princess onboard who refuses to let him take command of her ship unless he takes command of her.

“Any more of that and I’ll have to cut you off.” The barkeep’s ragged voice shook Rowan from his thoughts. He’d downed his fifth—or was it is sixth?—mug of fiery grog in less than two hours. It hadn’t been enough; he still felt sorry for himself. He reached into his vest pocket and dragged out his last mark; worrying about paying back his remaining debts would have to wait. The bill was damp and pathetic, and it stuck to the bar’s surface. “Keep the rest.” Before the barkeep could answer, Rowan slid off the barstool and stepped out onto the...
5 Score

When journalist Abi gets fired for fucking a guy in her office, she is hired by smutty magazine SIPPS to write her story down. Her nymphomania grows as she learns that SIPPS wants a real-life replay with a cast of new characters.

I’d assumed SIPPS magazine was about wine, juice and spirits, expected to see paintings of bottled beverages and bowls of fruit decorating the reception area… Instead, the white walls were hung with black-and-white prints of naked couples shagging, not what you’d expect to find behind the wooden doors of a house posing as an office. Feeling nervous, I could have done with a sip of something – preferably vodka. Maybe more than just a sip… A woman approached as I hovered by a couple of black leather sofas. “Abi?” she asked. “Yes, that’s me.”. “Hello. I’m Naomi. Thanks for coming...
3 Score

Rena’s car gets stuck in a storm and she is forced to find some help. She stumbles upon Alex’s house, who instinctively knows exactly what Rena needs…

Driving in the snow is the worst, but Rena was determined to get to the grocery store before the storm hit its peak. She had been out of town for a week and definitely didn't have enough supplies at home to sustain her through the major storm that started earlier in the day. So there she was, driving slowly with her hazards on, fervently hoping that she would get to the market and back in one piece. The snow picked up and visibility got even worse. Suddenly, Rena felt her car swerve. She tried to control it, but the road...
3 Score

A mod college coed notices a pretty hippie girl arrive at a crowded house party and is instantly taken by her. She fights with herself about the unusual nature of her unexpected desire, but happily, her feelings are reciprocated and the two begin to make out, ditching the party when things start to heat up.

The first time I saw you -- really saw you -- was when you walked into the party that one night long ago. "Born to be Wild" was playing loudly on the stereo and the living room was filled with a huge crowd of partygoers moving and shimmying to the music, their gyrating bodies and chugging arms and legs going every which way through the smokey tinge from the various bongs and joints. I think it was the way you were dressed that really caught my eye: while everyone else had their moddest of Mod things on, with their crisply-ironed...
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