Shag Story

Bondage, baby. Our seductive BDSM sex stories recount naughty tales of whips, chains, gags, and more. For the kinkiest among us, these stories will give you a good spanking.

5 Score

A cool hand rubbed across her exposed buttock bringing goosebumps to Aprana’s skin. Mia tugged the thong and pulled it away from Aprana’s crack. The rough fingertips with well-manicured nails of her Sir parted her labia lips and jostled her clit.

“Not Everyone Experiences and Inner Monologue Study Finds” read a tweet. “Bullshit!” her inner monologue replied. Mia finished the article and stared at the screen. “How do people function without an inner monologue?” she pondered. Were they that dull, that unimaginative, that boring? Or could they be that… present? How do you move through life without that inner voice constantly narrating your day like an episode of The Wonder Years? She longed to shut off her inner voice, if just for a short time. The constant dialogue which had been there for as long as she could remember could get...
3 Score

Things get hot and heavy between artist Ryan and model Sienna in Ryan’s studio. Sienna would soon find out that Ryan was a submissive, and she was ready to take control.

Captivated? No. Besotted? No. Entranced. That’s how Ryan would describe Sienna, the posing model in his cramped art studio. The only sound was the scratch of graphite and charcoal along the canvas, smudging and blending over the curve of her rounded, full hips and ample breasts, to fully capture their softness. Life drawing had always been Ryan’s passion, but Sienna had made it a privilege. She stood poised against the green curtain Ryan had dug out from the store cupboards to use as a backdrop. Arms up, elbows bent, hands flat as if waiting for something to be placed in...
3 Score

Obedient Claire told her mistress Taui that she liked the idea of being mildly humiliated while someone watched, so Taui introduced her to Rémi… and tied her up.

On Friday, walking home after a horrible day at work, Claire knew she needed to be spanked, then taken, hard, to get it out of her system. She began drafting her, “Mistress, I need to be over your knee, then under you,” speech. She opened the front door, confident that she had a case that Taui would find compelling. But she found Taui in the living room, having coffee with a man. He was dark, though his hair was bleached-blonde and cut short, he wore tight-ish black leather pants and a white shirt, and he obviously worked out. Claire guessed...
3 Score

Trevor and his three lovers decompress after a long day with bukkake and prostate milking.

Normally, Trevor, who was orderly to a fault, objected to such filthy behavior. In fact, part of him was planning on where to scrub first once they were all done--but mostly he was enjoying the foreplay Jay was giving him as his boyfriend Marcel was being tied to one of his own stepstools. Orderliness was an asset in the spaceship that they were on, which was why Trevor held such a high rank under Marcel’s command. Trevor began spending his nights in Marcel’s bed, and then at some point, they both discovered they had feelings for the ship scientist Jay....
3 Score

Babygirl likes it rough, and Daddy provides.

She waited all day for this: the chance to submit to her lover and let him do as he pleased with her. When the doorbell rang, she immediately jumped up from the couch and let him in. He led her into her room and shut the door. She was breathless with anticipation. He grabbed her and kissed her, his hands roaming up and down her body. Touching her breasts, her waist, her ass, reaching down to apply pressure between her legs. He slid his hand under her shirt, lightly grazing her breasts before pinching her nipples. He undressed her. She...
3 Score

When Erica and Dean arrive at the jazz club, she turns into their sex pet. Dean is dominant, from blowjobs inside the club to a sexy romp in the parking lot.

I'd gotten there much earlier than we'd planned, I'm anxious like that. I fidgeted in my seat for what seemed an inordinate number of minutes and wondered if I'd been stood up before ordering my second Old Fashioned when Erica walked in with Dean, and boy was I smitten. Like jaw-hit-the-table and tongue-went-lolling-about smitten. She was forever trying to hook me up whenever we weren't together, which was on, off and some other times in-between as well. We indulged each other's fantasies while at the same time managing to not fall in love with each other. If there was ever...
3 Score

Trying to be completely quiet during kinky sex may prove more difficult than they thought.

They text me when they're outside. They don’t ring the doorbell when they get here this late – they don’t want to wake my roommate. I sneak downstairs to let them in, dressed in a too-big t-shirt and no panties. I want them to grab me and kiss me there: to kiss me forcefully while holding my face in a vice-like grip. I want to see their mouth twitch in a grin when they release me, knowing I’m swooning as I try to catch my breath. The fewer clothes I’m wearing when I go down to let them in, the...
3 Score

Claire is willing to serve her Mistress in any way, but will she ever be tied up the way she craves?

“Taui?” Claire said, then, “Ohff!” The first sound was her love-name for her Mistress, Tauimatogi Schwartzkopf. The second sound was forced from her by a thirteenth stroke of the salu, a whip made from the hard central spines of coconut leaves, tightly bunched. The stroke wasn’t hard, but it reminded her: Claire wasn’t allowed to call Taui anything but “Mistress” when she was being punished, and discipline wasn’t over until Mistress said so. She was still naked and bent over their bed, feet apart, arms spread wide. Her bottom, usually pale – when Taui left it alone – was glowing...
3 Score

She’s finally living her kinky fantasy of being a submissive lover, but can she take the heat he provides?

Posie waited. She faced her own front door, kneeling, in her dressing gown. Her knees were parted and her wrists crossed behind her back. She was obeying a man she’d never met. She’d left the door unlocked. Her knees ached. She’d never done this before. Would he expect her to suck his cock? Her position suggested it. The position he’d told her to assume while she waited. While they’d been flirting on FaceChat, he’d asked how she felt about blowjobs. She’d said she loved giving and was superkeen and supergood at it. There’d been a long silence. Much longer than...

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