Shag Story

Alex Hewes

5 Score

The final story in this series about Tony and Simone. This time she is at home with her parents and he is alone and bored on New Year’s Eve. Fortunately, he isn’t the only one…

Tony looked at his watch, then his phone, then his watch again. It was better than scanning the room for anyone he knew when he knew there was no one. He knew a few names, but everyone here was underage. It’s one thing to choose a low-key New Year’s Eve party to avoid the popular crowd, but when your friends don’t show it’s a whole new level of awkward. Tony looked up and winced. It was a quarter to midnight and the alcohol had drained the life out of the party. The music was loud and everyone was either half...
4 Score

Tony has been sleeping with Simone, his Dad’s girlfriend, every chance they get. With Christmas a few days away she has promised him a special treat…(The 5th story about Tony and Simone, following on from ‘Intense’)

Tony stomped his way through the cold night air. He had somewhere to be, he really wanted to get there, but he couldn’t summon up a run. He just put one foot in front of the other as quickly as he could, eating the journey up in a thousand bites. It had been the most frustrating week of his life, and he wouldn’t have thought about it if it wasn’t the only other thing that would keep his mind off how much the wind was freezing his balls. As soon as he thought of his balls he thought of the...
5 Score

Justica prowls the streets fighting crime and protecting ordinary people. It is a lonely life, but fate has thrown her together with another mysterious hero…

It was mopping up time. The anthill of villains had been kicked over and Justica had time for a little cool down, stopping bad guys for the police to arrest. The first one never saw her. A simple punch to the jaw knocked him flat. The second pulled up too late. Justica timed her kick to perfection and he flew through the air to land in a crumpled heap. The third tried to run past, but Justica was too swift. She raised her arm into a clothes-line which floored him and it was over. Moments later she watched from a...
5 Score

Simone has been teaching her boyfriend’s son, Tony, how to be a good lover. She can’t get enough of Tony’s cock. But when her friend, Sarah, sends out suspicious vibes, Simone gets tense.

**Continuation from Alex's stories In Experience, Incognito, and In Training** - Simone threw herself into the car. She was soaked to the skin from the sudden downpour that had arrived just as she had left work. Simone’s ride home tonight, Sarah, was talking on the phone as she started the engine and turned the heating on. Simone waited patiently while Sarah quietly argued with someone. Sarah’s life was complicated. She often took these calls before driving just in case things got heated or she had to suddenly be somewhere else. Simone remembered this sort of gentle argument many years ago when her...
5 Score

Tony wasn’t an expert between the sheets. Luckily, his dad’s girlfriend Simone could teach him how to be…

The oven clock read six-thirty as Tony closed his textbook. He rubbed his eyes and tried to unwind the cramp from his shoulders. The dining table was fine for studying, but he couldn't bear sitting in the rigid chair anymore. He stretched, and packed his things away as a pair of headlights pulled up outside. Simone was home and Tony felt himself become a little lighter. This morning had been the start of their new routine. Tony’s dad had set off early, all revved up to whip the staff in his new coffee shops into shape, leaving Tony alone with...
3 Score

Their old sex routine doesn’t satisfy Louise anymore. Can Phil bring the heat and make date night something to look forward to?

Since their eldest left for college, Louise and Phil had arranged sleepovers at friends' and grandparents' houses for their other two kids every Friday night. They did their share of favors in return. For the past six weeks, the house had been empty for 'Date Night’. They looked forward to delivery, a film, a bottle of wine, very little to clean, and an early night. It was week seven as they snuggled together on the sofa. With his arm around her, Louise snuggled closer as he reached down to give her cheek a squeeze. The film ended and they both...
5 Score

Simone is much older than Tony, and his dad’s girlfriend, but his eager cock pleased her in ways that Tony’s dad just couldn’t.

Simone prepared dinner, daydreaming to drown out the monotony of peeling and chopping. Suddenly, there were arms around her and a body pushed up against her from the crack of her ass to the side of her neck, an unshaven face nuzzling her neck. Nuzzles turned to kisses. She tilted her head to enjoy them. Hugging turning to groping; one hand headed downwards as the other worked its way into her gown to cup her breast. She purred and reached up to stroke his hair. She was just guiding his lower hand into her gown towards her panties when he...
5 Score

Everyone talking about how inexperienced 18-year-old Tony is in bed. Can his dad’s girlfriend, Simone, help him out?

11:15 on Sunday morning, and Tony was headed to his dad’s house. It had been a rubbish weekend so far. He needed time to blank it all out. A disastrous Friday night and terrible Saturday then his worst game of football ever, he’d had enough. He went straight through the front door. He was lucky that Simone, his dad’s girlfriend, was in. Tony left his bag, coat, and trainers in the porch, then took a moment to scratch his head and swear at himself for being a neurotic twat. He walked into the hall and heard “Did you forget something,...

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Shag Story